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Executive Suite with Private Pool
The jewel of Golden Sun Hotel
Executive Suite with Private Pool
The jewel of Golden Sun Hotel
The jewel of “Golden Sun Hotel”! Our hotel has the pleasure to offer to its guests the very best, that a hotel’s room can offer, in order to satisfy the most demanding needs of comfortability and luxury within a residency…
The Executive Suites with Private Pool-Jacuzzi is an apartment style room, that includes a bedroom with private bathroom and a large living room, which can accommodate another 4 persons, sharing the second bathroom with rain or waterfall showerhead. A fully equipped kitchenette can serve the needs of a family, by providing the freedom, to practice cooking, while using high-quality ingredients that Naxos, blessed Land, produces! The 47 sq.m. of the apartment are decorated and equipped with the very best items and materials, carefully combined with the marriage of modern and Cycladic architecture, to each and every spot of it. The uniqueness of these suites is located to their lovely 25 or 35 sq.m. verandas, that host an amazing private Pool-Jacuzzi, that will “spoil” you and let you enjoy the beauty and freedom, that only summer and the sun can offer… As part of the equipment of these suites, you can find high-quality king size beds (Coco-mat), free wifi internet connection, plasma television with satellite tv program selection, safe deposit box, refrigerator, hair-dryer, high-quality bath and shower amenities, etc. The make-up of room is on daily basis, while linen change is every two days.
Room facilities
Fully equipped kitchen
Cookware, dinnerware
Bathroom with a shower
Satellite TV
Free WiFi
Furnished balcony or veranda
See also our other rooms